Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Trojan War


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  War teaches us about the importance of exercising our free will. It teaches us to make every second of our lives count and relish the feeling of contentment that comes with the knowledge that you can stand against your enemies (people or obstacles) even when the odds seemed stacked up against you. It is with such a mentality that you can begin to realize your dreams and begin experiencing miracles. War also teaches us to keep our hopes alive. Hope is abstract, but the repercussions of losing hope can be detrimental to any life. Being hopeful is one of the most important lessons that can be learned from war.

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No, Trojan War never happened, It's because the story falls into the category of myth.
The myth of the Trojan War was certainly truth for Greek speaking people living 27 centuries ago. They believed that their ancestors took part in the events of the war. Their descendants continued to believe the story was true for about 1000 years. And yet, although we understand today that the Trojan War story is myth, full of supernatural and very unlikely events,

"There can be respect between enemies", It is said that we can be measured by the worth of our enemies. I hold that to be of great importance. We are defined by the opposition to our actions. An obstacle is what makes us want to move forward, what makes us become better to overcome it. A rival is precisely that. In our struggle against each other, we become better. So, an enemy is not to be hated but cherished for he provides the opportunity for improvement. And finally, Priam’s actions show that there can be respect between adversaries.

 In wars, There will always be bloodshed but in every bloodshed, there will always be this abstract feeling called "Hope". Hope will never leave our side, Hope is the only key in order for us to not give up in certain things even though we know the we cant do it or we are giving up. But hope will always be there for to us to help us realize that we can do things without giving up. Hope is in all of us.